As with a great many state schools, we continue to face significant pressure on our funds; government funded income has become insufficient to meet even our essential spending commitments. Consequently, in order to maintain the school's current standard of academic excellence, we need your help in the form of contributions to The Women of Vision Trust.
The Women of Vision Trust was set up in 1998 to encourage parental donations to support the development of facilities and resources at Watford Grammar School for Girls. Over the past 20 years, the Trust has raised significant funds to help support many key projects that otherwise would not have been possible.
The Impact of the Women of Vision Trust
Legacy Gifts
Invest in the Future
The school has pioneered equality since its inception in 1704. Free education for girls and boys was unusual for its time and provided opportunity to those that may otherwise not have received it. Elizabeth Fuller’s dedication and service is a testament to her vision for the children of the future. Over the centuries the school has evolved to meet the challenges and demands of new eras but the fabric remains constant; encouraging excellence, service to the community and a love of learning. Whilst a free education is something we now take for granted, it remains the case that our students come from a variety of backgrounds, and that opportunity at home is not always equal.
"Despite considerable efforts and sacrifices by women to create inequality for themselves and those that follow the sad fact is that female inequality still exists, even between the two Grammar Schools. For example, Watford Boys receive 62% more funds from legacy gifts than Watford Girls each year, a situation I believe continues to acerbate the inequality between the schools. This is a consequence that men are more like to leave a legacy to their old school than women and it is time we addressed this difference." - Sylvia Tai
Legacy gifts ensure that Watford Grammar School for Girls can continue to provide the young women of tomorrow with resources, equal opportunities to learn and the ability to fulfil their potential in the world.
How to Include Watford Grammar School for Girls in Your Will
The Women of Vision Trust administers all legacy gifts for Watford Grammar School for Girls. Including this information in your will alongside the registered charity number 1069040 helps your executors know who to contact.
The Women of Vision Trust and Watford Grammar School for Girls cannot offer legal or financial advice nor can we recommend solicitors. Your will is an important document and we strongly suggest that you seek professional advice.
The simplest way to update an existing will is through a codicil document for which we also recommend you seek professional advice.
You may find the following wording useful when discussing with your solicitor your gift to Watford Grammar School for Girls:
I give to the Women of Vision Trust (charity number 1069040) the sum of (insert amount in words) pounds (£ insert amount in figures), or (insert percentage in words) percent (insert percentage in figures %), for (insert purpose); and I direct that the receipt of the Trust’s Administrator or other proper officer of the Trust shall be a sufficient discharge to the executors for this gift.
Support a vulnerable student with provision for their own device to access online learning
Provide new or replacement key equipment for specialist practical subjects including all Science disciplines, Art - including Textiles, Clay and Photography, Music, PE and Design Technology
Refurbish a teaching space, allow us to develop and extend our facilities and core teaching within the innovative curriculum, allow us to carry out essential building / maintenance projects